Businessman & Investor
Growing up, I was always the kid that would rally his friends to do all types of random things. I always had an idea of how to things faster, better, and more importantly, more exciting! The idea was always to make the most out of our time. As I finished up high school, I realized that this knack for ideas was applicable in more ways than making sure my friends and I had a good time on a Friday after school — it might be pretty useful in business. At 18, I started a company at Hampton University to enhance student life on campus. Coming from Brooklyn, I thought Virginia was entirely too boring, so I started producing events that I thought students would love. Turns out they did! This ultimately resulted in my being featured in The November, 2007 edition of Black Enterprise Magazine at 19 years old.
From that point on, I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit that has helped me advance my career. Currently, I’m working on a few passion projects and some really cool ideas I’ve been cultivated for years now. Want to hear more? Hit me up!